Zum 50. Bandjubiläum der Rolling Stones erscheint eine neue Best-of-Zusammenstellung mit 50 Songs, darunter 2 ganz neue. Auf 3 CDs sind alle bekannten Hits vorhanden: "Not fade away", "Little Red Rooster", "(I can't get no) Satisfaction", "Paint it black", "Jumpin' Jack Flash", "Sympathy for the Devil", "Angie", "Brown Sugar", "Miss you", " Emotional Rescue", "Start me up", "Respectable" u.v.a.
Enthaltene Titel:
CD 1
1. Come On
2. Not Fade Away
3. It's All Over Now
4. Little Red Rooster
5. The Last Time
6. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
7. Time Is on My Side
8. Get Off of My Cloud
9. Heart of Stone
10. 19th Nervous Breakdown
11. As Tears Go By
12. Paint It, Black
13. Under My Thumb
14. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?
15. Ruby Tuesday
16. Let's Spend the Night Together
17. We Love You
CD 2
1. Jumpin' Jack Flash
2. Honky Tonk Women
3. Sympathy For The Devil
4. You Can't Always Get What You Want (Edit)
5. Gimme Shelter
6. Street Fighting Man
7. Wild Horses
8. She's A Rainbow
9. Brown Sugar
10. Happy
11. Tumbling Dice
12. Angie
13. Rocks Off
14. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
15. It's Only Rock 'n Roll (But I Like It) (Edit)
16. Fool To Cry (Edit)
CD 3
1. Miss You (Edit)
2. Respectable
3. Beast Of Burden (Edit)
4. Emotional Rescue (Edit)
5. Start Me Up
6. Waiting On A Friend
7. Undercover Of The Night (Edit)
8. She Was Hot
9. Streets Of Love
10. The Harlem Shuffle
11. Mixed Emotions (Edit)
12. Highwire (Edit)
13. Love Is Strong
14. Anybody Seen My Baby? (Edit)
15. Don't Stop (Edit)
16. Doom And Gloom
17. One More Shot
[Berlin], Universal
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3 CD + 1 Beil.
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Aufn.: 1963 - 2012